Blood detox pills

The blood is a medium for nutrients delivery but it can become a medium for toxin delivery also. Therefore, frequent cleansing the blood is a crucial part of  preventing development of critical illnesses. Dosage :
  • For Prevention/Maintenance - Half capful once a day before breakfast.
  • For solution - One capful before breakfast and one capful before dinner. Must continue for 6-8 months.
  Leave a gap of 2 hours between UBody and other medications to get optimum result.

The blood is a medium for nutrients delivery but it can become a medium for toxin delivery also. Therefore, frequent cleansing the blood is a crucial part of  preventing development of critical illnesses.

Dosage :

  • For Prevention/Maintenance – Half capful once a day before breakfast.
  • For solution – One capful before breakfast and one capful before dinner. Must continue for 6-8 months.


Leave a gap of 2 hours between UBody and other medications to get optimum result.


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